About Bill


Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Some Thoughts From Romans

Romans 5:12
12 Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned—

This departure from Proverbs is a result of some research on the Revoice Movement and the “gay” conversation in the Reformed and Presbyterian Church.

I am not unfamiliar with the “gay” movement and their social and personality peculiarities.  There is one compelling rule above all others to attempt any understanding of this social minority.  Do Not Stereotype, for there is none.  From the most conservative Republican to the most macho policeman to the most feminine school teacher.  There is no stereotype.

Our text above gives us this information.
A.     There is a single origin for sin; one man.
B.     There is a single identifying characteristic, “death”.
C.     There is a universal certainity “death passed upon all because all men sinned.”
Look from here to Romans 3:23, and fell short of the glory of God.

There are no unique catagories but the two in the summary of the Law.  “God haters” and “neighbor haters”.  Sinners qualify.  All qualify.  The cure?  Repentance.

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