About Bill


Friday, November 23, 2018

Some Thoughts From Proverbs 22

Proverbs 22:3
The prudent sees danger and hides himself,
    but the simple go on and suffer for it.

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. There are two reasons this is so.  First is the history behind it. If the Puritans did exploit the natives, I don’t think you can find intent there.  Second it’s on Thursday and that gives a four day holiday.  Good.

There is much “to do” about Saudi’s murderous activity.  What are we to think?
1.       There is nothing new about this among Muslim nations.  It doesn’t excuse it, neither should it surprise us.
2.      The caution that there are two sides to every quarrel is overstated but it is a worthwhile caution.  I have read some accounts of the other side. There is no excuse for Saudi, but this man was a lot more than just a reporter and received the fruit of intrigue in which he was involved.
3.      Though his statements were rough, somewhat cruel, and certainly naïve, the President was correct in placing U.S. policy and well being above the internal working of another nation.  The excuses made for Israel and England should acquaint us with that fact.
4.      Remember the President and I are nationalists.  Protect our borders and put the U.S. first.  Happy Holidays.

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