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Friday, November 2, 2018

Some Thoughts From Proverbs 31

Proverbs 31  The Virtuous Woman

The three outstanding features of the Virtuous Woman.

1. She is committed to her family.
2. She understands her place in the community.
3. She is known for her faith in the God of Holy Scripture.

As you look at these three features there is nothing here that the modern feminist movement accepts.

They have no respect for the traditional family. They have used their influence to its fullest to deny and disrupt any concept of a Biblical family, from homosexual marriage to refusing to accept the roles of wife and mother.  With "Rosie the Riveter has come a disruption in family, bringing with it repercussions that are overwhelming.  Divorce and cohabitation are destroying stable family life.

The feminist movement has only itself as an end. They really care little about anything else. 

And there is no concern for Biblical faith.

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