About Bill


Friday, November 23, 2018

Some Thoughts From Proverbs 20

Proverbs 20:12
12 The hearing ear and the seeing eye,
    the Lord has made them both.
A.    The ear announces that a person is to hear.
B.     The eye announces that a person is to see.
C.     The creator put them on man for their particular task.
D.    It is a great loss for a person to fail to use them.
I read a long article on the Internet yesterday.  It sounded very good.  It touted the need for honesty, compassion, integrity, and a global concern. It was written well and as I read it I thought “how convincing that is.”

But then I saw their compassion included partial birth abortions which are cruel, senseless murders of the most helpless.  Their honesty had repeatedly said there was no need to worry about the caravans…. this would never get to the border.  Their integrity promotes those who are declared Socialist and cannot with integrity take the oaths they are required to take.  Their global concern denounces nationalism.  I despise all white nationalist organizations.  They are haters and most are cowards.  But there is a nationalism which is patriotism and whats wrong with that?  In 1990 I came to the opinion that illegal immigration was, and I think still is, our greatest problem.  Just hearing and seeing.

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