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Monday, October 29, 2018

Some Thoughts From Proverbs 26

Chapter 26 is somewhat different although the longer context found here is also in other places. But what is unusual is the long description of a fool formed in verses 1-12. If this context was to be isolated the analysis of a fool is complete enough to give a sufficient warning.

Look at verses 4 and 5. The warning is plain, use caution in any conversation with a fool. This is based on two assumptions.
A.    The fool can be known. Though he may be a deceiver the marks he wears will always identify him.
B.   You will be, at some point, in a conversation with a fool. These verses contain simple instructions in a conversation with a fool:
1. Never answer a fool in kind. Whether it be senseless or vulgarity do not fall into this trap.
2. A fool requires reproof. The reproof may not profit but its desert is sufficient to require it.

It will serve you well to learn the dangers the fool presents and avoid him.

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