About Bill


Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Some Thoughts From Proverbs 23

Proverbs 23: 4-5
Do not toil to acquire wealth;
    be discerning enough to desist.
When your eyes light on it, it is gone,
    for suddenly it sprouts wings,
    flying like an eagle toward heaven.

 Compare I Timothy 6:10A  "For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil".

The Scriptures never condemn wealth. Abraham was immensely rich. It is in these verses in Proverbs we find the proper consideration of wealth. Between Proverbs and I Timothy there are some rules for the acquisition of wealth.
1. Verse 4 Labor is always with a view to payday. But to labor without any other consideration than for wealth alone is an exercise without hope.
2. Verse 5 Wealth in and of itself is famously unstable and the owner­ship of wealth alone is futile.
3. I Timothy 6:10A.
A. Money is never deserving of a believer’s affection.
B. The love of money is foundational to a believer's apostasy.
C. The "all" is noteworthy in its use in the ESV for it truly is here and more usually in all its useage, "all manners'' or “many different kinds".

The important takeaway is affection set on money gives all manners of entrance into the believer’s life.
                              “Be discerning enough to desist."

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