About Bill


Thursday, January 24, 2019


I believe God is.  Hebrews 11:6. 
I believe that Jesus is the full and final revelation of God, John 1:18. 
I believe that God is Triune, Matthew 28.
I believe man, prior to regeneration, is without any ability to act toward God, Eph. 2:1.
I believe that it is by faith in Jesus alone that we are reconciled to God, Romans 5:1.
I believe the Scriptures are the Word of God, II Tim. 3:15-16.
I believe Jesus was born of a virgin by the Holy Spirit, Matt. 1:19.
I believe Jesus is impeccably Holy, Hebrews 13:8.  Note:  If the Christ could have sinned in His  days on earth He will always be able to sin.  This is unthinkable, against my Confession, and in its truest sense wicked.
I believe Jesus was bodily resurrected and He bodily ascended into heaven.
I believe He will return bodily and the saints who are dead will be raised in their bodies while those who are alive will be changed and caught up, I Thess. 4:16-17. 
I believe that Christ’s Church is one Church from Pentecost until His return, Eph. 5:25-27.

This I believe and on this I stake my eternity.

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