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Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Thoughts From Proverbs 31

Psalm 110:4
The Lord has sworn and will not change His mind,
“You are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek.”

In the Old Testament this is one of the strangest statements about one of the strangest people. Search as you will, you will find him mentioned in only one other occurrence. This is a very interesting account about this Priest and Abraham. But without something to give it a greater emphasis it is of little importance and with this reference in Psalms are the only two examples of it in the Old Testament. Whatever you may make of it there is certainly no reason to think this is of any importance.

That is, until you come to Hebrews in the New Testament and all of a sudden it is a reference to one of the most important people of the Old Testament.

What does Melchizedek mean to us:
1.      He is Priest by neither genealogy nor ritual.
2.      He is a Priest by God's appointment and therefore needs no other credentials.
3.      He is a Priest who has blessed the most important of our ancestors, our father Abraham.
4.      He is the single most certain type of Christ.  Therefore his identity guarantees us that as he is by singular appointment a Priest, we are by the same authority His congregation.

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