About Bill


Monday, January 28, 2019

Genesis 19:11
11 And they struck with blindness the men who were at the entrance of the house, both small and great, so that they wore themselves out groping for the door.

The man Lot is one of the, if not the most, interesting characters in the Old Testament.  Who can believe that Lot is a believer?  Without II Peter there is no reason to think of Lot as a saint.  But he is.  This is a warning to be cautious in the judgment of a fellow confessing believer.

Lot and the city of Sodom is a most distressing feature.  There is no more graphic picture of depravity that Genesis 19.  The description of the population (male) in verse 4 is carefully written. Notice:
1.      The men of the city, the men of Sodom.
2.      Both young and old.
3.      All the people.
4.      To the last man.
This leaves little doubt of the universal depravity of the city.  They earned for themselves, and for all who follow their wicked conduct, the right to be named Sodomites.

Then there is 19:11.  For years as I have read this I have been instructed and amazed at the blinding destructive power of sin.  Note first their desire; men who have the sacred privilege of sanctuary.  They were Lot’s guests.  As Lot’s guests they were in his house, they were to be safe.  Second they were blinded and could not pursue their intent, time to go home.

Thirdly the sudden of blindness caused no fear.  Remember this when there is an exceeding act of wickedness.

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