About Bill


Monday, May 13, 2019

Romans 1:32

32 Though they know God's righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.

When there are no absolutes governing morality, one person’s opinion of right or righteousness is as good as any other.  It is alright if in one bed you have medical science spending thousands of dollars to save a child, while in the other bed across the aisle, it spends hundreds to take away the same life.

It doesn’t take the rational cynic long to figure that out.  It is cheaper, therefore more expedient, to take the life than to save it.

Medical science has long known there is no difference in the person in the womb and the person who is taken out of the womb. If the life of the person in the womb is taken because it is expedient, why is the person on the knee to be treated differently?  This is rationally undesirable,  they are no different.  Having no moral argument how can you defend the life of the unwanted, ill, or costly child on the knee?  You can’t.  The slope is no longer slippery.  It is all downhill.

The only argument for life is the moral law.  Nothing else will suffice.  But the moral law does not conclude with only murder.  The law that has, “you shall not murder” also has 1, 7 and 10 plus the others.  God does not give the privilege of cherry-picking with the Law.

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