About Bill


Tuesday, May 21, 2019


Christians Pray!
1.       The Christian Church in Nigeria has laid the foundation for success in its blood.  This is one of the most severely persecuted Christian churches in the world.  The Moslem state leadership is determined to destroy this church.  But God!  It is His purpose to save His church, deliver His elect, cast down the opposers, and glorify His great and Holy name. Even so come Lord Jesus and deliver these poor suffering saints.

2.      The church throughout Africa, in Turkey, Iran, Syria, and in Egypt are without interruption persecuted by the Moslem majority.  In some a conversion is a death sentence on both the evangelist and the convert.  Still the church grows in these different places.
Lift your hand O our God and smite the opposers.  Deliver your church and get glory to your Holy name.

3.      There is, in our day, no church which has suffered longer, more grievously and with no darker outlook than the church in communist China, communists if they are consistent with their confession must be atheists. China’s leadership is consistent in their hatred for God and His church.  Remember the story of the Revelation.  At the darkest, bloodiest hour of man, the White Horse comes to deliver.  Even so, come Lord Jesus!

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