About Bill


Thursday, March 28, 2019


I Cor. 13:1
If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.
 My concern today is the whole of this chapter. In literature it is probably as classical production the most important production. It is an ethical masterpiece and a spiritual marvel. The simplicity and the beauty is personally beyond explanation to me.

Love as it is understood in the Bible is the fulfillment of the Law. It is least of all things emotion. It is knowledge and commitment. And for it to be real and worthwhile it must begin with God. The definition for love, and it is definable, is the commitment to do good in every way possible for the object of the affections. This is both God's love and ours. Bear in mind the brother in
I John is not loved unless his needs are met. In Malachi Israel is loved because she has God's provisions and protection. Esau’s denial of long term survival is the evidence of God's hatred.

When the writer tells us, "Now abides faith, hope, love but the greatest of these is love," he is not comparing these in quality or quantity.  But all things fail with one exception.  Faith becomes sight.  Hope becomes reality.  Love never fails or ceases. 

Remember!  If you love now, you’ll love then.

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