About Bill


Friday, March 1, 2019


I John 1:5
This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. 

In John’s first letter verses 1-2:2 are a preface.  In nothing that follows will John contradict what is in this preface.  Therefore when he writes in 2:9 that a believer does not sin it is in the context of 1:1-2:2.
1.      He does not walk in darkness. Whatever darkness may be, to me it is a moral evil, it is the opposite of the light of God.  This darkness is not the environment of one born of God.
He does not say he has no sin, “but” if he sins, repents, and receives the forgiveness and cleansing of conscience that comes from Christ.
  He does not say he has not sinned.  As he in 1:6 confesses an Adamic nature, in 1:9 he confesses polluted activity.  Those who claim sinless perfection butt heads with John here.  Through the years it has fascinated me to hear Wesleyans try to sophisticate 1:9.  John plainly says believers sin and if they deny it they are guilty of accusing God of lying.
4.      “And if anyone sins” is not an admission of human sin, but an encouragement to know and receive the provision made for that of faith in an advocate.

First we should know that a sensible man does not contradict himself in so short a statement.  Second John writes about faith and its benefits.  cf I John 5:4.

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