About Bill


Wednesday, March 20, 2019


Matthew 6:9-10
Pray then like this: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.
10 Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

In verse 9 as Jesus begins this instruction the ESV translates it in this way, "pray then like this.”

 I am convinced, and I have never read a thorough student of Mathew’s Gospel that does not agree, that this is intended to be principles of prayer rather than a model prayer that we are to pray. Disclaimer: This is not a criticism of using a common reading of the prayer in a worship service.

 It is an acknowledgement of certain requirements that are recognized as necessities for true prayer. The first two are in these verses.
1.       Fellowship with God begins with a desire for the full realization of His work and witness. Whatever one’s understanding of the kingdom of God it is at least this. It does not matter if it’s present or future, our desire is that His kingdom prevails and that begins in us with our agreement and prayer
2.      The second is the agreement with the will of God. That is that we desire it, believe that it is best and commit ourselves to its accomplishments. “Your will be done” is your ultimate submission to God. It is the beginning of prayer.

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