About Bill


Thursday, August 29, 2019


Psalm 119:104
104Through your precepts I get understanding; therefore I hate every false way.
Cf Psalm 97:10
10With my whole heart I seek you; let me not wander from your commandments!

In verse 104 the contrast is between understanding and hate.  This raises the question, “Understanding of what?”

The answer to this lies in false way.  The understanding spoken of here is that which causes or defines the false way.  Sin is the false way.  This is hated.  That which the writer understands is God’s Law.  By his understanding of God’s Law he recognizes sin and can avoid it.  The false way is other than his way.  It is the way of the wicked and he avoids it.

Psalm 97:10   In this Psalm the contrast is between love and hate and the Lord and evil.

The first observation is the radical separation between the attitude the saint has toward the Lord and evil.  He loves the one and hates the other.  There is nothing less than a complete separation involved.  No middle ground is named, no complicity or accommodation.  The one who loves the Lord is radically separated from evil.

The second observation is this is by an intentional act.  Love and hate, whatever else they are, are volitional.  Knowledgeable, willing, and sincere is the content of this choice.  Do you really hate evil?

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