About Bill


Thursday, August 8, 2019


Daniel 9:23
23 At the beginning of your supplications the command went out, and I have come to tell you, for you are greatly beloved; therefore consider the matter, and understand the vision:

The love of the Triune God for His elect is a continuing theme of the Scriptures.  But the title Daniel receives, “Beloved”, is unique to him.

There are other ways in which God’s servants are addressed and described that distinguishes them. 
Abraham is the “friend of God”.
Moses is addressed and treated with a special tenderness and noted for his meekness.
God seems to have a special sense of longsuffering reserved for David. 
And maybe you can think of others such as Peter and John. 
Certainly we must remember Paul taken into the “third heaven”.

It seems as if this forces us to recognize there is a way in which God has favorites.  But the really strange thing for me is that there is no jealousy of God’s favoritism.  In every instance they are my favorites also.

The beauty of Daniel’s character is without equal, except maybe Joseph.  Then again consider Abraham’s love and loyalty to friends and family.  Remember Jeremiah’s faithfulness, fidelity, and unwavering truthfulness, all in the midst of great suffering.  If one would be loved, he must be loveable like Daniel.

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