About Bill


Monday, June 10, 2019


Romans 8:28
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. 

I’ve begun a study of Romans 8:1ff. This is considered by most Bible students as one of the great chapters in Scripture.  Romans 8:28 is one of the high points of this highly theological chapter.  I plan to spend this writing and one more on the verse listed above.

Today my concern is in the words with which it begins, “We know.” From the emphasis which Scripture puts on the knowledge of God and His word it can easily be determined that there is a premium on this knowledge and there is little patience with ignorance.  There has to be a starting place.  But you do not rest at the starting line.  The track star comes to the starting line with such eagerness that he faces a disqualifying penalty for jumping the gun.

Paul in 8:28 makes a general and inclusive statement, “We know.”  He could not say this if what follows in this verse, through the remainder of this chapter and including chapter nine was not known and acknowledged.

A believer is supposed to have a certain amount of knowledge about himself, God, and Christ as Savior of Sinners.

There are two things about Christians that are extremely rare:  an ignorant Christian and a closet Christian.  Be aware!  Scripture expects you to know and to confess.

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