About Bill


Friday, June 14, 2019


Psalm 119:9 ESV
How can a young man keep his way pure?
    By guarding it according to your word.

We should look at this question very closely, for: 
1.       A young person has reason to question their purity.
2.      There is in the young a need for purity.
3.      By questioning his way a young person becomes serious about his purity.
4.      To question the purity of your conduct is to recognize the need for improvement.
5.      To form the habit of improvement when you are young will give you a continuing concern for your conduct into your old age.
6.      Though it is begun when you are young there should be a never-ending question of your purity.
7.      The question lends itself to the assumption that there is a way to cleanse your ways.
“By guarding it according to your word.”
1.       The answer to the question of purity is found God’s word.
2.      The answer is neither accidental nor casual.  It is “by guarding”, or “by taking heed.”
This is no less than a careful attention and applying the Scriptures to your life.
3.      According to” is the ground of the instruction that is the certain rule for purity.  It is in and by God’s word.

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