About Bill


Wednesday, June 5, 2019


Matthew 16:26
26 For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?

Any honest Bible reader must admit the importance of earthly wealth.  In this Scripture text Jesus contrasts the worth of a life contrasted with the value of the world.

There are questions which arise from Christ’s question.
1.       A man’s self-preservation is an overriding consideration for him.  He must have concern for his personal life, “his own soul”.  Though it is not his only concern, it is an important concern.  He must consider his own life as Jesus represents it here as more valuable than any object in the world of present reality.
2.      The concern that causes the contrast is the subject of the value of following Christ.  This is the object of infinite value. The question of commitment is the separating question of Christianity.  For you cannot serve two masters.”  The value of this world or any object in it cannot be valued greater than following Jesus.  His unchanging command rings with the requirement and authority, “Take up your cross and follow me”.

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