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Monday, September 24, 2012


Bill Fitzhenry's Thoughts For Today…
Understanding important truths from the Bible…. 

Job 15:11  KJV
11 Are the consolations of God small with thee?  is there any secret thing with thee? 

The question by Eliphaz to Job is his assumption that he and his two friends had truly spoken the truth of God to Job.  Their comfort and encouragement given quietly should have satisfied him.  Job had been unimpressed with their attempts to counsel him in his low estate.  Therefore Job, and I suppose we also, should consider this a presumptuous conceit on Eliphaz’s part. 

But the question is a good one.  As a Christian is God’s provision lacking in my estimation?  Has He failed to come up to my expectations?  I find this attitude to be, all too often, that which characterizes my thoughts toward God. 

In direct contradiction the Psalmist in Psalm 87:7 writes, “All my springs are in you.”  Let the following quotation suffice us as a commentary most helpful.

C.H. Spurgeon, Treasury of David, page 125
’All my springs are in thee.’  Whatever conduit pipe be used, Christ is the fountain and foundation of every drop of comfort; Christ is the God of all true consolation.  It is not in the power of all the angels of heaven to give any soul one drop of comfort, nor can all on earth give you one dram of comfort.  They can speak the words of comfort, but they cannot cause the soul to receive comfort.  God comforts by them, 2 Cor. 7:6.   Titus was but an instrument.  Comforting is called frequently in Scripture the speaking to the heart, Hosea 2:14.  Who is able to speak to the heart but he who is the Lord and commander of the heart?  God hath put all the oil of spiritual joy into the hands of Christ, Isaiah 61: 3, and none but he can give it out.  He that wants comfort must go to Christ, he that hath received any true comfort must ascribe it to Christ.  All my springs,’ saith the Church, ‘are in thee’ __ Ralph Robinson.                  

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