About Bill


Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Bill Fitzhenry's Thoughts For Today…
Understanding important truths from the Bible…. 
Proverbs 28:21 KJV
To have respect of persons is not good: for for a piece of bread that man will transgress. 
Matthew Henry has this to say about the text named above.
Those that are partial will be paltry. Those that have once broken through the bonds of equity, though, at first, it must be some great bribe, some noble present, that would bias them, yet, when they have debauched their consciences, they will, at length, be so sordid that for a piece of bread they will give judgment against their consciences; they will rather play at small game than sit out.” 

My interest is the abject foolishness demonstrated at the Democratic convention in the Wednesday session.  The featured speaker was former President Bill Clinton.  What I write is not based on politics, whether I agree or disagree with the Convention’s politics or former President Clinton’s.  My observations are directed toward the commentary of his presence, importance, and acceptance both by his fellow convention attendees and by the public in general. 

What does an informed look at this man reveal?
1.       Fact:  He is a liar of gigantic proportion.  Not just because of his statement regarding the affair with a young governmental employee.

We should understand that he knew the foolishness of the statement, “it’s not about sex.”  He knew it was about sex.  And his lies which were continual were evidence that he has no regard for truth.  Truth is just a means to an end to him.

2.       Fact:  He is an admitted and convicted sexual predator.  The repeated expose`s of sexual activity are enough to convince any sane thinking person of his predatory nature.

It is of little doubt that any company, corporate manager or CEO who did what he did with a very junior employee, on company time, on company property, and using company personnel to protect him would have been convicted of aggravated sexual harassment.

3.      Fact:  He is a thief.  Leaving out all the accusations from Arkansas, after his term in office of President was finished and he had moved to a private residence, there were officials who came to his residence to retrieve White House furnishings he and his wife had carried away.

4.      Opinion:  He is a traitor to his country.  During his term a scandal developed.  It was found that China had come into possession of our secret technology.  This was tied to a single Chinese citizen in the U.S.  He was a lobbyist who was very close to the Clintons and known to have contributed heavily to their political campaigns.  As the investigation closed in on him, he escaped to China where there is no extradition.

When he stood before the microphone, polished and distinguished looking, he is still the same man, unrepentant and reveling in his ill-gotten gain.  Am I to forget that?  I think not.  Do I hate him?  No!  Do I want him or anything like him as president of my country?  No! 

We have had bad presidents.  We have had wicked presidents.  But we have had no one else as genuinely evil as Bill Clinton.  He does not understand why he is so disliked by Conservation.  Maybe there are not many who have it as clearly defined to themselves as I do, but they recognize the stench of Old Ned on this man. 

We do not know men’s latter end.  That is the prerogative of God.  But separate from repentance he has not demonstrated so far he must anticipate a forbidding eternity.
Proverbs 13:5
A righteous man hates lying:
Psalm 97:10
You that love the Lord, hate evil.

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