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Friday, September 28, 2012


Bill Fitzhenry's Thoughts For Today…
Understanding important truths from the Bible…. 

Hosea 4:1 NKJV
Hear the word of the Lord,
You children of Israel,
For the Lord brings a charge against the inhabitants of the land:
“There is no truth or mercy
Or knowledge of God in the land.

God’s complaint against Israel in chapters 4 and 5 are an indictment of Israel’s spiritual commitment to idolatry.  This is illustrated in the marriage of Hosea to Gomer the prostitute.  Israel was married to idolatry and his offspring, the fruit of the idolatrous relationship, were also rejected. 

From 4:1B-5:7 the charge is laid out clearly.  But the interesting part of the charge is VSS 4:1B-2.  It begins with willful failure in truth, love of neighbors, and a denial of any responsibility to know the true God. 

What follows is an enumeration of criminal charges against the inhabitants of Israel. 

1.       Swearing and lying.  All regard for the commandment of taking the Lord’s name in vain and bearing false witness is forgotten or denied.  This is found later in the charge of Jeremiah.  He charges Judah with an absence of truth.  No one is to look to his fellow for truth either under oath or in conversation.  Where once you could expect the truth now you must suspect a lie. 

2.      Murder has become ordinary.  It neither causes fear or concern.  When murder is tolerated it is a sure sign of contempt for God.  The image of God in man, each and every individual, gives man his value.  It guarantees that every life has worth and anyone can be converted.  When life is devalued this image is denied and God’s law no longer exercises any restraint. 

3.      Stealing is accepted as a useful way of provision.  There are two sure signs of societal failure, lying and theft.  When truth is not there as the glue which binds society and there is no respect for the property of others there is nothing which guarantees the structure from which we get our support.
There is no penalty for lying in our society except when the government is concerned.  And the only thing you are to expect in the occasion of robbery or burglary is a case number to give your insurance. 

4.       Adultery is more common than fidelity which should mark our conduct.  But if life, truth, and property have no value why should fidelity in sexual conduct fare any better?
There is no law against any sexual crime no matter how extreme when committed by adults.  This must have extensive consequences.  One illustration please.  There is no law against adultery.  A person may have as many adulterous partners as they please.  These partners even have standing in court.  This of course means there is no longer an effective law against polygamy.  The mere fact that there aren’t multiple court approved marriage contracts is of no consequence as these other partners have legal standing in the courts and what else is a court issued contract supposed to represent.  By the by sociology has a name for modern day divorce, serial polygamy. 

What is the crux?  Conduct is a theological issue.  Idolatry has consequences.

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