About Bill


Friday, July 26, 2019


II Samuel 12:7
Nathan said to David, “You are the man! Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, ‘I anointed you king over Israel, and I delivered you out of the hand of Saul.

There is a lesson to be learned from David’s sin for which he is called to account  in 12:7.

First a man’s sin is personal.  You David” are the one who is guilty.  You and you alone must bear the guilt of this deed.  The deceit by which you did it does not change the fact that you sinned.

Secondly, sin is unique.  The command, “You shall do no murder,” when it is applicable, has no default because of status , previous obedience, or other deeds of service.  The guilt is attached to David as saint, king, and David’s unique position of being God’s king in Zion.  Nothing can relieve him of his responsibility.

Third, none are immune from sinning .  David is a man who would have seemed above this deed.  He loved God and His law supremely until they conflicted with his lust.  As Nathan reminded him, God would have given him anything lawful.  It was his for the asking.  But when lust had conceived that was not enough.  When Rockefeller was asked, “how much money do you want?”, his answer was, “Some more”.

Do not make the mistake of thinking you are better or stronger than David.  You can be “the man”.

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