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Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Bill Fitzhenry's Thoughts For Today…
Understanding important truths from the Bible….

Colossians 1:18 NKJV
18 And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence.

The apostle in this statement sets forth the threefold superiority of Christ which brings him to a result that is as certain as it is desirable.

First he states the “Son of His love” is the “image of the invisible God” thus securing for Him superiority in revelation.  As the “Image of God” as the writer intends it there is nothing to be revealed about God that is left out.

Secondly as the “firstborn of all creation” being both origin and sustainer of all things spiritual and material he declares his superiority to creation.  He has returned to man the reign over creation that our father Adam lost.

Thirdly we find in 1:18 His position and His sovereign right to that position is plainly stated.
A.     He is the head of the body, the church.  How is headship defined?

The previous verses show His qualification for such a headship,--His possession of a divine nature—His supremacy over the universe, and His creation and support of all things.  Any creature would be deified were he so highly exalted; for he would, from his position, become the god of the Christian people, as their blesser, protector, and object of worship.  But the church and the universe are under one administration, that of him who is “King of kings and Lord of lords.”  The king of the universe is able to be Head of the church, and He has won the Headship in His blood.  It is no eminence to which he is not entitled, no function which he cannot worthily discharge.  The John Eadie Greek Text Commentaries, 4 Colossians, page 62.

Rise, O Church, and lift your voices;
Christ has conquered death and hell.
Sing as all the earth rejoices;
Resurrection anthems swell.

Come and worship, come and worship;
Worship Christ, the Risen King!

Doubt may lift its head to murmur,
Scoffers mock and sinners jeer;
But the truth proclaims a wonder
Tho’tful hearts receive with cheer

Come and worship, come and worship;
Worship Christ, the Risen King!
Jack W. Hayford, 1986

In Ephesians 1:19-23 the greatness and the infinite scope of the resurrected Jesus’ authority to given to the church in His headship.  We have only begun to express His position when we, with confidence, proclaim Him the King of the Church.  By this title we claim His ever vigilant and almighty protection.  Included is His never failing provision.  What is our bold claim?  “I will fear no evil for you are with me.  Your rod and your staff they comfort me.  You prepare a table for me in the presence of enemies.”  “The King of love my shepherd is.”

B.     “Who is the beginning, the first born from the dead.”  I would be dreadfully remiss if I did not give you access to John Eadie’s insight into this statement.

We must take this word as in the former clause — “first - begotten of every creature,”
and regard it as referring, not to the priority of time, but to dignity and station. He was
not the first that rose in absolute priority, nor simply the first who rose, no more to
die. But He was among the dead; and as He rose from the midst of them,
He became their chief, or Lord—“the first-fruits of them that sleep.” From
Him the dead will get deliverance, for He rose in their name, and came—
ek —out from among them as their representative. In this character He
destroyed “him that had the power of death.” Not only when He was “cut off,
but not for Himself,” did He “finish transgression and make an end of sin,”
but He “abolished death.” Nay, He has the keys of death and Hades. His
people rise in virtue of His power. The instances of resurrection prior to His
own were only proofs that the dead might be raised, but His resurrection
was a pledge that they should be raised. The Lord Himself shall descend;
the trump shall sound, and myriads of sleepers shall start into life; no soul
shall lose, and none mistake its partner; neither earth nor sea shall retain
one occupant. But He is not only the pledge, He is also the pattern. His
people shall be raised in immortal youth and beauty; their vile bodies
fashioned like unto His glorious body, and therefore no longer animal
frames, but so etherealized and attempered as to be able to dwell in a world
which “flesh and blood cannot inherit”—to see God and yet live, to bear
upon them without exhaustion the exceeding weight of glory, and to serve,
love, and enjoy the unveiled Divinity without end.
The John Eadie Greek Text Commentaries, 4, Colossians, page 64-65

C.    That in all things he may have the preeminence “.  “That” indicates a result.  Due to His superiority in revelation in creation, and in regeneration, it is the inevitable results that in all things spiritual and material He is the One who sits on the highest seat of honor.  He is the true
# 1.
If we want to see the fullest, most supreme, effulgent glory of God, we must see it in Him.  If we seek to understand the fullest manifestation of sovereignty in this creation, we must seek it in Him.  If we really believe the gates of hell have been defeated and nothing can prevail over the church we must find that victory in the “First-born from the dead.”

Again the Hymnist has captured the message,

All hail the power of Jesus’ name!
Let angels prostrate fall:
Bring forth the royal diadem,
And crown Him Lord of all.

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