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Thursday, May 2, 2013


Bill Fitzhenry's Thoughts For Today…
Understanding important truths from the Bible….

Colossians 1:15B  NKJV
15 … the firstborn of every creature:

The kingdom is the message of the New Testament.  Matthew 3:2 Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand was John the Baptists’ message.  Mark introduces Jesus preaching, “The time is fulfilled the Kingdom of God is at hand.” And says the subject of Christ is, “the gospel of the kingdom of God.”  Mark 1:14-15 14 Now after John was put in prison, Jesus came to Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, 15 and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.”

The Lord Jesus in John 3 gives us the New Birth as a prerequisite to understand and enter the Kingdom of God.  Paul in Col. 1:13 describes our salvation as a “deliverance into the Kingdom of His dear son.”  There is a kingdom and there is a king.

The position of “firstborn” in the above is a title rather than a chronological or a genealogical description.  “The “firstbornprototokos, this is a relationship to the Father, expressing His priority to, and preeminence over, creation, not in the sense of being the first to be born….Col. 1:15 where His eternal relationship with the Father is in view, and the clause means both that He was the Firstborn before all creation and that He Himself produced all creation.”  W.E. Vine, page 104.

“Firstborn (2) most excellent; most distinguished or most exalted.  The Christ is called the firstborn of every creature.”  American dictionary of New Testament Language Noah Webster, 1828.

This is a statement of Jesus’ position in the Divine Economy.  He has priority.  He rules in the kingdom which receives us upon our transferal.  Col. 1:15

Calvin’s explanation is practical and stated to counter some who take the meaning to be an explanation of His human priority. “The reason for this name immedidately follows:  For in him all things are created.  In the same way He is, three verses later, called ‘the first-begotten from the dead’, because  through Him we all rise again.  Hence, He is not called the firstborn because He preceded all creatures in time, but because He was begotten by the Father, that they might be created through Him, and that He might be, as it were, the substance or foundation of all things.  It was then foolish of the Arians to argue from this that He was consequently a creature.  For what is here treated of is, not what He is in Himself, but what He accomplishes in others.”  Calvin’s new Testament Commentaries - Colossians Vol 11, page 308-309.

As the author of creation He is the sovereign over all that pertains to it.  John 17:2 is His petition to have and exercise this sovereignty.   as You have given Him authority over all flesh, that He should give eternal life to as many as You have given Him.  It is inclusive, “all flesh,” which is given to him.
Authority over all flesh means the authority given to Christ when the Father appointed Him King and Head.  But we must note the end, which is to bestow eternal life on all His own.  Christ therefore receives authority, not so much for Himself, as for our salvation.  And so we should submit to Christ, not only that we may obey God, but because there is nothing more lovely than that subjection, since it is the cause of our eternal life.

Now, Christ does not say that He has been placed in command of the whole world to bestow life indiscriminately.  But He restricts this grace to those given to Him.  But how were they given?  For the Father has also subjected to Him the reprobate.  I reply:  Only the elect belong to His own flock, which He guards as a shepherd.  Hence, the kingdom of Christ extends to all men, but it is saving only to the elect who follow the Shepherd’s voice with willing obedience.  He forcibly compels others to obey Him, until at last He utterly destroys them with His iron rod.”   Calvin’s New Testament Commentaries - John II Vol. 5, page 135-136.

We are in His kingdom.  We are given to Him.  He has the office and He has the will to protect us and provide for us.

All hail the power of Jesus’ name -
Let angels prostrate fall.
Bring forth the royal diadem
And crown Him Lord of all.

To be continued…

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