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Monday, April 15, 2013

How Great Is Our God

Bill Fitzhenry's Thoughts For Today…
Understanding important truths from the Bible….

Psalm 99:2  NKJV

Zion….represents, by a figure called a synecdoche, the city of Jerusalem or the entire Hebrew nation.”  “Zion” Baker’s Dictionary of Theology, pg 564, Wick Broomal

God’s greatness was known and admired in Zion.  There His person, His acts, His attributes, and His promises were the source of the continual admiration of all believers.  Spurgeon could say, “the ignorant forget Him, the wicked despise Him, the atheistical oppose Him, but among His own chosen, He is great beyond comparison.”  Treasury of David Vol. IV, pg. 385.

When the statement is made by the Psalmist, it is the objective reality that is his intent.  His greatness is not an experience, but an objective fact.  As He is holy, He is great.  But the location of the revelation of that knowledge is particular.  It belongs to Zion to be realized in their worship. 

God is high by contrast.  The highest mountains have been climbed.  Birds nest in the highest trees.  The heights of heaven have been mastered.  Man has looked down from the moon which is on high to see the earth as but a speck.  Yet those heights have in no way measured God.  “He is high above all the people” and His greatness is known in Zion.  The writer of Hebrews in 12:22-23 informs us of our participation as citizens of the “heavenly Jerusalem”.  But what says this writer as he finishes this passage?  Look well at his finishing remarks. 
Hebrews 12:28-29
28 Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. 29 For our God is a consuming fire.

To be continued…

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