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Friday, March 16, 2012


Bill Fitzhenry's Thoughts For Today…

Understanding important truths from the Bible….

GIVE US A KING                   

1 Samuel 8:18-19 ESV
18 And in that day you will cry out because of your king, whom you have chosen for yourselves, but the Lord will not answer you in that day.”
19 But the people refused to obey the voice of Samuel. And they said, “No! But there shall be a king over us, 

This chapter in Samuel is both interesting and useful.  It marks the progression of Israel from a theocracy to monarchy.  And it is given both the cause and character of human government. 

Wherever human government is found there are three reasons for that government.  I Samuel 8:20 gives us these three reasons.
1.  Mankind chooses a despot as their way of government.  It is not always the way a government begins.  But all governments degenerate to a despot in time.  History is replete with examples of this.  It did not take long for Andrew Jackson to be elected and the downward path from that terrible day has continued.

2.  Again government is desired to provide and administer laws.  This is not all bad.  And to the degree that a nation has just laws and just judges this is a happy result of government.  But we are reminded daily of how quickly and thoroughly congress and courts are corrupted.  These both are the subjects of jokes because they are so often opposed to justice. 

3.  Then there is always the desire for, “one to go before us and fight our battles.”  It is a fond delusion to think that a nation under a government with its appointed leader fights our wars.  No one in Washington; no cabinet member; no President has ever been killed in battle.  We, our fathers, and our sons are soldiers.  It is worth noting, wars are never begun by privates. 

What does this tell us about human initiative and self-responsibility?  They are at the best weak and go from there to non-existent.  When citizens around us respond to the offers of someone taking all their responsibilities and assuming their care, it should surprise us if they do not meet with hearty approval and vigorous support. 

  1. We can best serve our nation by serving God.
  2. When we satisfy God with our conduct man must approve of our activity.

Next we will look at this chapter again and the characteristics common to human government.

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