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Friday, March 23, 2012


Bill Fitzhenry's Thoughts For Today…

Understanding important truths from the Bible…. 

ABIGAIL, WISE AND BEAUTIFUL                       

1 Samuel 25:33, 7  ESV
33 Blessed be your discretion, and blessed be you, who have kept me this day from bloodguilt and from working salvation with my own hand! 

David had a number of narrow escapes from Saul.  He was the son-in-law of Saul; a commanding general in Saul’s army; a man who Saul had every reason to trust.  But envy, fear, pride, and disobedience to God had left Saul in a state of paranoia.  He could not consider David separate from his desire to rid himself of this threat to his reputation and rule. 

David had an opportunity to kill Saul, I Sam. 24:3-7.  But he would not revenge himself on Saul.  His restraint against any act to avenge himself on Saul was because God had given Saul his exalted position.  Saul, as the Lord’s anointed, was sacred to David. 

In the case of Nabal (I Sam. 25:21-22) David had determined that vengeance and the spoils of Nabal were his privilege.  In this mood he and his outlaw band proceeded to slay Nabal and his family and his workers.  There is no indication that David had any qualms about his determination for revenge. 

His meeting with Nabal’s wife, Abigail, brings David to the place of considering his intent and the reproach it would bring to him.  Abigail intercedes for her husband and assumes all blame for Nabal’s wicked acts and his churlish character. 

Her intercession involves two particular matters of interest.  She confesses the wrong that was done to David and his men, I Sam. 25:23-28.  And she acknowledges David’s divine  appointment to rule Israel, I Sam. 25:30.  Pay particular attention to her statement in I Sam. 25:31.  The spiritual insight of this statement is equal to anything you will read in the Scriptures.

David’s response is immediate repentance.  In VS 33, he acknowledges the source of the “advice” which restrained him.  In VS 32 he praised the source which he knew had given him the understanding he required.

David acknowledges the principle by which every believer must live, “vengeance is mine, I will repay says the Lord:, Rom. 12:19.  His spiritual perception is acutely aware of his responsibility and his acceptance of the responsibility that goes with it is immediate.  Again David is a great example of a sanctified believer.

When Abigail is introduced there is left no doubt of her spiritual commitment and maturity.  This leaves us with an interesting question.  Why, with David having Abigail as a wife, is Bathsheba chosen to be the mother of Christ’s lineage?  The ways of God are a mystery but always gracious. 

  1.  No believer has the option of personal revenge.
  2. Godliness is a source of beauty wherever it is found.

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