About Bill


Monday, February 18, 2019


Hebrews 12: 2
12 Therefore lift your drooping hands and strengthen your weak knees,

"Endure the cross, despising the shame". These words tell us as much about the cross-experience of Jesus as any we may read. What do they mean?

To "endure" is to bear up under whatever causes the pain, discomfort, or agonizing. This “endure" is further explained by “the shame" which is "despised." So there are two elements introduced. One is that totality of pain which Jesus suffered. Second is the “shame” ""which was introduced upon him.

He whose life was spotlessly perfect is punished with suffering beyond that which any other has ever suffered, without a single complaint. His cry to God was not a complaint or desperation but one of the deepest experiences of loss any human has ever suffered.

The shame was at least twofold. First was the public humiliation of the display of His person as a trouble-maker, a traitor to Israel, and a criminal. Secondly was the evil He bore. God accounted Him, laid a charge upon Him, and punished Him for the evil of His people. Please read II Cor. 5:21. Think upon the words who knew no sin!

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