About Bill


Thursday, September 27, 2018


Some Thoughts From Proverbs 25

Proverbs 25: 2
It is the glory of God to conceal things,
    but the glory of kings is to search things out.
We are by this statement assured that God conceals things.
This being so why is it so hard to say “I don’t know.''

What did Jesus write on the ground in John 8?
I don’t know.
What was Paul’s “thorn in the flesh.''
I don't know.
 Who wrote Hebrews?
 I don't know.

1. The truth is there are certain things due to a lack of application.
2. There are certain things I do not know nor will ever know.
3. There are certain things that I know but may change my opinion on these matters.
4. There are certain things I know that are not debatable.
5. I know far more than I what I do.  My concern then should be to do better with what I know.

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