About Bill


Monday, December 2, 2013

Bill Fitzhenry's Thoughts For Today…
Understanding important truths from the Bible….

Psalm 119:32 ESV
I will run in the way of your commandments
    when you enlarge my hear

This verse has a peculiar interest to me for two reasons:  first is the activity of the believer, “I will run”, and second is the condition of this action.  In the note the translators put for “enlarge my heart,”  that is, “for you set my heart free”.  When I first noticed the note and read Vs 32 with this as the translation, “I will run in the way of your commandments for you have set my heart free”, I was filled with joy at this expression.

But what is the Psalmist’ intent in his commitment to “run”.  For a correct understanding the context must dictate the meaning for the reader.

The one carried the post or was entrusted with a message was a runner.  He ran because the message always had the connotation of urgency.  In II Sam. 18:19-27 this is clearly the intent of the young man who wanted to run for Joab who was the sender of the message.  The young man was zealous to bear the tidings.  This context indicates his zeal.  He saw as a runner both honor and a reward.

The runner in 119:32 is committed to the message; both to the honor and the responsibility of carrying it.  The commands furnish his post and the urgency of his responsibility.

In the remainder of this verse, he gives the reason for his desire and for his assurance of success.  He is free.

Isaiah 40:31c claims for the faint and the weak the assurance that “they shall run and not be weary.”  Their service performed with zeal shall not weary them.

Paul in the Galatian letter 5:1, states “it is” for freedom, Christ has set us free.  Both the Old and New Testament warn us of legal entanglements and guarantee us there is freedom in the commandments to serve God faithfully, joyfully, and freely.

Please read Isaiah 61:1 and look closely to His proclamation of liberty.  Cf Luke 4:18-19.

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